Test your skills of deduction with the November 2024 edition of Riddle Me This: Two Cups and a Bucket
You have two small cups filled with water and an empty bucket. How can you dump all of the water out of the cups and into the bucket and tell which water came from which cup, without using any dividers of any kind?
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As a professional engineer, I value the legitimacy provided by the licensing process. BUT and it is a big but, going through the process does not guarantee that the skill level of every professional engineer is where it should be. To paraphrase and old joke about doctors who finish last in their class, what do you call an engineer who gets 60% on the PE exam? Professional Engineer! For this reason licensing boards should be careful to not overreach, and be aware that many non PEs have exceptional skills. I have an acquaintance who only has a high school education, but from experience and intelligence is an excellent design engineer. He would never claim to be professional engineer, but has contributed greatly to the success of the manufacturing company that employe3d him for nearly 30 years. I also have worked with other professional engineers who I would not hire to design a dog house because they only know how to use equations by rote and do not understand the theory behind them, thus over design everything out of excess caution.