This is the February 2025 edition of our monthly series of Ethics case studies titled What Do You Think? This series is comprised of case studies from NSPE archives, involving both real and hypothetical matters submitted by engineers, public officials and members of the public.
Your peers and the NSPE Board of Ethical Review have reviewed the facts of the case as shown below. And, here are the results.
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Your opinion has been registered for the February 2025 edition of our monthly series of Ethics case studies titled What Do You Think?
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Want to know how your peers voted? We’ll send you an email with the poll results on February 25.
A Review of the Facts
Ralph is a field technician employed by a consulting environmental engineering firm. At the direction of Engineer Patrick, his supervisor, Ralph samples the contents of drums located on the property of a client. Based on Ralph’s past experience, it is his opinion that the analysis of the sample would most likely determine that the drum contents would be classified as hazardous waste. If the material is hazardous waste, Ralph knows that certain steps would legally have to be taken to transport and properly dispose of the drum, including notifying the proper federal and state authorities.
Ralph asks his supervisor, Patrick, what to do with the samples. Patrick tells Ralph only to document the existence of the samples. Ralph is then told by Patrick that since the client does other business with the firm, Patrick will tell the client where the drums are located but do nothing else. Thereafter, Patrick informs the client of the presence of drums containing “questionable material” and suggests that they be removed. The client contacts another firm and has the material removed.
Was it ethical for Patrick to merely inform the client of the presence of the drums and suggest that they be removed, but not inform his client that he suspected hazardous material?
Here is the result of our survey of your peers:

Applicable NSPE Code References:
Code II.1: Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.Code II.1.a: If engineers’ judgment is overruled under circumstances that endanger life or property, they shall notify their employer or client and such other authority as may be appropriate.
Code II.1.c: Engineers shall not reveal facts, data, or information without the prior consent of the client or employer except as authorized or required by law or this Code.
Code II.3.a: Engineers shall be objective and truthful in professional reports, statements, or testimony. They shall include all relevant and pertinent information in such reports, statements, or testimony, which should bear the date indicating when it was current.
Code III.1: Engineers shall be guided in all their professional relations by the highest standards of integrity.
Code III.3: Engineers shall avoid all conduct or practice that deceives the public.
Code III.3.a: Engineers shall avoid the use of statements containing a material misrepresentation of fact or omitting a material fact.
Code III.4: Engineers shall not disclose, without consent, confidential information concerning the business affairs or technical processes of any present or former client or employer, or public body on which they serve.
The extent to which an engineer has an obligation to hold paramount the public health and welfare in the performance of professional duties (Code I.1) has been widely discussed by the Board of Ethical Review over the years. In many of these cases, this basic duty has frequently intersected with the duty of engineers not to disclose confidential information concerning the business affairs, etc., of clients (Code III.4)
For example, in BER Case 89-7, an engineer was retained to investigate the structural integrity of a 60-year-old occupied apartment building that his client was planning to sell. Under the terms of the agreement with the client, the structural report written by the engineer was to remain confidential. In addition, the client made it clear to the engineer that the building was being sold “as is,” and the client was not planning to take any remedial action to repair or renovate any system within the building.
The engineer performed several structural tests on the building and determined that the building was structurally sound. However, during the course of providing services, the client confided in the engineer that the building contained deficiencies in the electrical and mechanical systems, which violated applicable codes and standards. While the engineer was not an electrical nor mechanical engineer, he did realize that those deficiencies could cause injury to the occupants of the building and so informed the client. In his report, the engineer made a brief mention of his conversation with the client concerning the deficiencies; however, in view of the terms of the agreement, the engineer did not report the safety violations to any third parties.
In determining that it was unethical for the engineer not to report the safety violations to appropriate public authorities, the Board, citing cases decided earlier, noted that the engineer “did not force the issue but instead went along without dissent or comment. If the engineer’s ethical concerns were real, the engineer should have insisted that the client take appropriate action or refuse to continue work on the project.” The Board concluded that the engineer had an obligation to go further, particularly because the Code uses the term “paramount” to describe the engineer’s obligation to protect the public safety health and welfare.
In BER Case 90-5, the Board reaffirmed the basic principle articulated in BER Case 89-7. There, tenants of an apartment building sued its owner to force him to repair many of the building’s defects. The owner’s attorney hired an engineer to inspect the building and give expert testimony in support of the owner. The engineer discovered serious structural defects in the building, which he believed constituted an immediate threat to the safety of the tenants. The tenants’ suit had not mentioned these safety-related defects. Upon reporting the findings to the attorney, the engineer was told he must maintain this information as confidential as it is part of the lawsuit. The engineer complied with the request.
In deciding it was unethical for the engineer to conceal his knowledge of the safety-related defect, the Board discounted the attorney’s statement that the engineer was legally bound to maintain confidentiality, noting that any such duty was superseded by the immediate and imminent danger to the building’s tenants. While the Board recognized that there might be circumstances where the natural tension between the engineer’s public welfare responsibility and the duty of non-disclosure may be resolved in a different manner, the Board concluded that this clearly was not the case under the facts.
Turning to the facts, in this case, we believe the basic principles enunciated in BER Cases 89-7 and 90-5 are applicable here as well, except in a different context. Unlike the facts in the earlier cases, Patrick made no oral or written promise to maintain the client’s confidentiality. Instead, Patrick consciously and affirmatively took actions that could cause serious environmental danger to workers and the public, and also a violation of various environmental laws and regulations.
Under the facts, it appears that Patrick’s primary concern was not so much maintaining the client’s confidentiality as it was in maintaining good business relations with a client. In addition, it appears that as in all cases which involve potential violations of the law, Patrick’s actions may have had the effect of seriously damaging the long-term interests and reputation of the client. In this regard, we would also note that under the facts, it appears that the manner in which Patrick communicated the presence of the drums on the property must have suggested to the client that there was a high likelihood that the drums contained hazardous materials. We believe that this subterfuge is wholly inconsistent with the spirit and intent of the Code of Ethics because it makes the engineer an accomplice to what may amount to unlawful action.
Clearly, Patrick’s responsibility was to bring the matter of the drums possibly containing hazardous material to the attention of the client with a recommendation that the material be analyzed. To do less would be unethical. If analysis demonstrates that the material is indeed hazardous, the client would have the obligation of disposing of the material in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws.
The Ethical Review Board’s Conclusion

It was unethical for Patrick to merely inform the client of the presence of the drums, but fail to advise his client that he suspected hazardous material and provide a recommendation concerning removal and disposal in accordance with federal, state, and local laws.
William A. Cox, Jr., P.E. William W. Middleton, P.E. William E. Norris, P.E. William F. Rauch, Jr., P.E., Jimmy H. Smith, P.E., Otto A. Tennant, P.E., Robert L. Nichols, P.E., Chairman
Note – In regard to the question of application of the Code to corporations vis-a-vis real persons, business form or type should not negate nor influence conformance of individuals to the Code. The Code deals with professional services, which services must be performed by real persons. Real persons in turn establish and implement policies within business structures. The Code is clearly written to apply to the Engineer and it is incumbent on a member of NSPE to endeavor to live up to its provisions. This applies to all pertinent sections of the Code. This opinion is based on data submitted to the Board of Ethical Review and does not necessarily represent all of the pertinent facts when applied to a specific case. This opinion is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as expressing any opinion on the ethics of specific individuals. This opinion may be reprinted without further permission, provided that this statement is included before or after the text of the case.
There is lot unsaid in this article, but Engineer Patrick may not consider Technician Ralph’s diagnosis of the drum contents as hazardous to be reliable. The opinions of technicians do not drive the decision-making process. The Engineer may have known more about the client’s operation than the technician, and that knowledge may have cast addition doubt on the validity of the technician’s opinion. Also, the article is silent as to whether the Engineer was under contract to investigate or address the drums. The Engineer dutifully notified the client of the presence of the drums and the client then had the drums handled and removed by another firm, presumably legally. There is insufficient information in this article to render a decision that the Engineer’s action was unethical.
Agree with the comments above – too much unsaid. Nothing suggests endangerment of life or property. Were the drums outside in poor condition, or inside a building in good condition? There is no requirement to notify authorities. Reporting is required only if there is a release of a reportable quantity to the environment. The client would simply need apply for a waste generator ID number (if they don’t already have one) and then properly dispose of the waste. There was no information based on facts, just the opinion of a field tech. If the samples were analyzed, then you have hard data. However, while analysis of the drum contents might show it to be hazardous, the material in the drums could be usable material and not a waste. It was OK that the samples were not submitted for analysis, because the client might already know what was in the drums (or already have analytical data), and RCRA regulations allow characterization of waste to be based on generator knowledge.
Although Robert O’Brien makes some very good points, I think at the end of the day, Patrick had a duty to warn the client that in the course of the project, that he has run across issues that may have health and safety as well as legal compliance risks. Patrick should advise the client of these risks.
It is time for Ralph to find another employer ASAP for his own health and safety. Patrick has proven himself to be not only unethical but dishonest and even criminal. If he had any sort of integrity he would not only get the samples analyzed, but he would send Ralph to be checked over tested for and treated if needed for exposure to whatever substance the drums contained.
The unethical part for my assessment used was “Ralph asks his supervisor, Patrick, what to do with the samples. Patrick tells Ralph only to document the existence of the samples.”
There was no mention of actually analyzing the sample. This statement alone made it suspect that Patrick was indeed not wanting to have truth of the situation and chemical composition before submitting the findings to his client. It actually suggests he did not want to elevate the hazard by having positive ID of the samples for the situation. Thats mendacious at best, unethical – for sure.
I wish I can’t decide was an option. This is the first time in several years I would have chosen it. The technician’s qualifications and experience are crucial as are some details of the analysis they performed. I do not see how the following is relevant “Ralph is then told by Patrick that since the client does other business with the firm…”. It is prejudicial and should not part of deciding if the behavior was ethical or not.