This is the March 2025 edition of our monthly series of Ethics case studies titled What Do You Think? This series is comprised of case studies from NSPE archives, involving both real and hypothetical matters submitted by engineers, public officials and members of the public.
Your peers and the NSPE Board of Ethical Review have reviewed the facts of the case as shown below. And, here are the results.
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Want to know how your peers voted? We’ll send you an email with the poll results on March 25.
Your opinion has been registered for the March 2025 edition of our monthly series of Ethics case studies titled What Do You Think?
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Want to know how your peers voted? We’ll send you an email with the poll results on March 25.
A Review of the Facts
Engineer Danny contracts to serve as a consultant to a federal environmental agency for the development of an overall hazardous waste remedial strategy. Under the contract with the federal agency, Danny agrees to provide basic consulting services with an understanding that the federal agency may request additional services at a later date. Nothing is contained in the contract between Danny and the agency concerning other work for other clients.
Two years following completion of basic services to the federal agency, Danny is retained to provide environmental consulting services by a major industrial corporation, which has been deemed by the federal agency to be responsible in a dispute over the clean-up of a hazardous waste site. Following the execution of its contract with the corporation, Danny is contacted by the federal environmental agency and is asked to provide consulting services for the agency. These services would be performed per Danny’s original understanding with the agency in connection with a specific hazardous waste site of the major industrial corporation, which is also now a client of Danny. Danny informs the federal agency that the performance of such services would constitute a conflict of interest and declines to perform the services requested.
Was it unethical for Danny to agree to perform services to the industrial corporation under the facts without the prior consent of the federal agency?
Here is the result of our survey of your peers:

Applicable NSPE Code References:
Code II.4: Engineers shall act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.Code II.4.a: Engineers shall disclose all known or potential conflicts of interest that could influence or appear to influence their judgment or the quality of their services.
Code III.4.b: Engineers shall not, without the consent of all interested parties, participate in or represent an adversary interest in connection with a specific project or proceeding in which the engineer has gained particular specialized knowledge on behalf of a former client or employer.
Issues involving conflicts of interest have long been some of the thorniest issues faced by engineers. The Board of Ethical Review has had numerous occasions to address issues of conflict of interest, particularly those involving public and private relationships.
One pertinent case is BER Case 87-3, where the Board considered facts involving a county that employed individuals to perform building inspections in the county. Dissatisfied with the services provided by in-house inspectors, and as part of an effort to “contract-out” certain county functions, the county decided to retain a private consulting engineering firm to perform building inspections.
The county selected and retained an engineer to perform the work. One of the engineer’s responsibilities was to inspect a building project developed by a client of the engineer. The client was a company for which she had regularly performed services in the past. Although the engineer did not provide any services in connection with the building project in question, the engineer and the client anticipated that they would continue to work together in the future.
In contract negotiations with the county, the engineer disclosed the relationship with the client, and it became a matter of official record. In finding that it would not be unethical for the engineer to perform building inspection services for the county in connection with the project developed by the client, the Board, considering earlier BER cases, noted that unlike other cases, the facts did not deal with a situation where an engineer was being retained as a paid advocate for a particular position or point of view on a pending matter in direct conflict with the engineering opinions of her county client. Nor was the Board faced with a situation where the timing of the retainer raises questions of impropriety.
Rather, in BER Case 87-3, the engineer was being asked to perform basic inspection services in connection with a building with which she has never previously been involved but which was developed by a former and possibly future client. While the Board noted that the engineer had a professional obligation under Code II.4 and Code II.4.a. to disclose her relationship with the client to the county, the Board did not believe it would be necessary for her to decline to perform the inspection services. To prohibit the engineer from providing building inspection services would be an unrealistic intrusion into her practice and would inhibit the county from utilizing a flexible method of delivering services consistent with public health and safety.
Another case involving the question of conflict of interest was the earlier BER Case of 76-3. There, an engineer, under a retainer agreement with a county to provide sewer design and expertise and general advisory services, entered into a second retainer agreement with a developer with county approval. Thereafter, the developer filed a petition with the zoning board to rezone a substantial portion of the county for commercial purposes. The county department filed several engineering reports adverse to the zoning petition, recommending denial of the rezoning because the proposed construction would overload available water and sewage facilities. The development company then called the engineer as an expert witness at the zoning hearing. The engineer testified in support of the zoning petition. The Board concluded that it was unethical for the engineer to appear for the development company while serving as an engineering consultant to the county.
There are several aspects of the facts contained in the instant case which differ from earlier BER cases. BER Case 87-3 did not involve a set of circumstances where the engineer and his client had a current relationship, circumstances which could raise a question of conflict of interest between the engineer and the public client. In addition, unlike the facts of BER Case 87-3, here, the engineer was involved in the development of the overall strategy for the federal agency. In this regard, the engineer was apparently not involved in any aspects of the work for the federal agency, which was specific to any particular project or site, but rather was involved as a consultant in the program planning for the agency. Also, in BER Case 87-3, the engineer disclosed his relationship with the client during contract negotiations with the public authority. Here, apparently, because of the timing of the relationships between the engineer and his clients, the engineer did not disclose his proposed relationship with the industrial corporation to the federal environmental agency.
The facts in BER Case 76-3 are quite different from those in the immediate case as well. There, the engineer was attempting to serve the interests of two separate masters at the same time. Unlike the facts of this case, an objective evaluation of the circumstances should have led the engineer to conclude that there was the potential for a collision to occur between the interests of his two clients.
The Ethical Review Board’s Conclusion

Split Decision
Majority Opinion (4 out of 7 board members)
It was unethical for Engineer A to agree to perform services for the industrial corporation under the facts without the prior consent of the federal agency.
Here, we are dealing with a somewhat vague and indefinite understanding between a consulting engineer and a federal agency for ongoing planning support to effectuate an important federal program. In areas such as hazardous waste remedial work, innovative approaches are being implemented to address these important societal concerns. Without getting into the technicalities of the law of government contracts and procurement and other arcane issues which are not the subject of this Board’s inquiry, weighing all of the facts and circumstances involved in this case, we believe it would be proper for Danny to perform services for the industrial corporation in the manner indicated provided Danny obtains prior consent of the federal agency.
Minority Opinion (3 out of 7 board members)
It was not unethical for Engineer A to contract with the industrial corporation without obtaining prior consent of the federal agency.
We share many of the reasonings of the Board. However, in our opinion, the majority of this Board has given unjustified weight to “an understanding that additional services may be requested at a later date at the government’s request.” In this instance, two years had passed without any exercise of such understanding by the government. Such a substantial period of silence would seem to free Danny of any reasonable expectation of further demand for services. We also question whether federal procurement regulations would permit or validate such a loose continuing arrangement. Further, we question whether having provided services in development of a “strategy” should preclude Danny from ever providing engineering services for clients over which the agency has oversight responsibility.
John F. X. Browne, P.E. Herbert G. Koogle, P.E.-L.S. Otto A. Tennant, P.E. Robert L. Nichols, P.E., Chairman
Note – In regard to the question of application of the Code to corporations vis-a-vis real persons, business form or type should not negate nor influence conformance of individuals to the Code. The Code deals with professional services, which services must be performed by real persons. Real persons in turn establish and implement policies within business structures. The Code is clearly written to apply to the Engineer and it is incumbent on a member of NSPE to endeavor to live up to its provisions. This applies to all pertinent sections of the Code. This opinion is based on data submitted to the Board of Ethical Review and does not necessarily represent all of the pertinent facts when applied to a specific case. This opinion is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as expressing any opinion on the ethics of specific individuals. This opinion may be reprinted without further permission, provided that this statement is included before or after the text of the case.
What is an engineer to do? Turn down potential work because of a possible “conflict of interest” that was not covered in a vague contract with a government agency? We’d all end up starving if that was the case. There is NO SUCH THING as an “understanding,” either there is an active contract or not. If no active contract, Engineer is free to contract services with anyone else. We need to stop kowtowing to government agencies and treat them same as all other entities.
Based on the passage of time and the generic, non-obligatory and uninvoked ‘…may request additional services’ clause, Danny did nothing unethical. The mere presence of such clauses cannot be held to prevent an engineer from future work for other parties in perpetuity.
What Rich Wargo said.
There would be the same ethical Delima if the original contractor was a Federal Agency, or a private company. In order to be sure to avoid conflict of interest, Danny should have contacted the party he had the original contract with prior to accepting the new work
The way that the description of the situation was written does not make it clear that the industrial corporation is THE industrial corporation of interest. It says: “Danny is retained to provide environmental consulting services by a major industrial corporation, which has been deemed by the federal agency to be responsible in a dispute over the clean-up of a hazardous waste site.” There is almost certainly more than one involved in something like this. Also, it is not clear whether this is the same site or not, though I suppose one could assume it is. I agree with Mr. Wargo on the point that two years is a pretty long time, and so it is reasonable to expect that the contract is no longer valid. On the other hand, usually government contracts are formally closed when they are done, so it seems there is a grey area. If Danny knew it was the same company but did not know he was supposed to formally sign off that the contract formally closed, then he was ethical in his approach. If he knew he was supposed to sign off and did not, that poses a problem. If he does go forward in an ethical manner, he should still be careful since what starts as ethical could turn the other way. my 2 cents anyway.
I totally agree with Mr Rich Wargo.
Agree with Wargo 100%