January 2024 Pop Quiz for Engineers
New Year, New Quiz! Here's 2024's first Pop Quiz for Engineers. Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
5 Movies That Featured an Engineering Character
While engineers aren’t always the most featured characters on television shows, they are often the most popular. Perhaps more engineering characters will find their way ...
Riddle Me This: The River Dilemma
You've just purchased three things at the local market: a wolf, a duck, and a bag of seeds ....
Lessons Learned: The Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC)
Unlike the Twin Towers, WTC 7 was not directly hit by an airplane, yet it collapsed completely, making it the first known instance of a tall building brought down primarily by uncontrolled fires. This article aims to explore the structural causes behind the collapse of WTC 7 from an engineering perspective.
The December Ethical Dilemma: Recruitment Finder’s Fee
Engineer Raymond received an unsolicited letter and explanatory material from a commercial firm engaged in manpower placement, offering a monetary bonus to Raymond if he provided names of qualified engineers.
December 2023 Pop Quiz for Engineers
Get in the HOLIDAY SPIRIT and score high on this month's quiz. Here's the December 2023 Pop Quiz for Engineers. Are you smarter than an undergraduate?