10 Crazy Uses for Completely Frictionless Surfaces
Concepts like the “frictionless surface” enabled Newton to lay the groundwork for modern physics. He may never have imagined that his ideal could actually be achieved, but now, thanks to a group of tribologists (scientists who study interacting surfaces in relative motion), the prospect of eliminating friction between two interacting surfaces has come to fruition.
The Bhopal Disaster
Just after midnight on December 3, 1984, chemical gas began leaking from a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The gas was toxic and heavier than air, and it crept along the ground and easily infiltrated the shacks and huts of the crowded shantytown surrounding the plant.
The February Ethical Dilemma: Permit or not
Engineer Greg, an environmental engineer employed by the state environmental protection division, is ordered to draw up a construction permit for the construction of a power plant at a manufacturing facility. He is told by a superior to move expeditiously on the permit...
February 2022 Pop Quiz for Engineers
Will you LOVE your score on this month's quiz? Here's the February 2022 Pop Quiz for Engineers. Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
Riddle Me This: A Spinning Disk
Can you determine which way the disk is spinning? Riddle me this ...
How Ultrasonic Welding Works
Traditionally, materials have been bonded together by fasteners such as nails, screws or thread, which are appropriate for metals, wood, fabrics and plastics. For many plastics, glues have been used. Glue forms a chemical bond between itself and the surface of the plastic material to be conjoined.