Radio Tower Collapse – Texas
As the last section of the tower was being raised, the supporting bolts suddenly failed, and the entire section fell, cascading a thousand feet to the ground. On the way down, the falling section sheered away guy wires and caused the entire structure to topple.
The September Ethical Dilemma: Building Inspections for the County
Cathy from providing building inspection services would be an unrealistic intrusion into her practice and would inhibit the county from utilizing a flexible method of delivering services consistent with the public health and safety.
September 2024 Pop Quiz for Engineers
Will you fail this fall? Take the engineering pop quiz and find out! Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
Riddle Me This: Immanuel the Clock Setter
Immanuel was on his way out the door to visit an old friend across the village when he realized that his grandfather clock had stopped and no longer displayed the correct time. This was the only clock in his home ...
Can Plans and Drawings be Copyrighted?
Engineering plans and drawings involve considerable work and may take months and years to develop. Understandably, many engineering professionals are interested in protecting them and may wonder ...
The Apollo I Fire Disaster
At the height of the space race in the 1960s, the United States pursued an accelerated program to put men on the moon before the Soviet Union. Apollo 1 was to be the first crewed mission of the United States Apollo program, the undertaking ...