December Pop Quiz for Engineers
‘Tis the season for a good score on December’s engineering pop quiz! Take it and find out! Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
‘Tis the season for a good score on December’s engineering pop quiz! Take it and find out! Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
You have a committed a terrible crime and tomorrow morning you will be taken to the town square and executed. The executioner has taken a liking to you and decides to do you a favor and allow you a choice ...
While engineers aren’t always the most featured characters on television shows, they are often the most popular. Perhaps more engineering characters will find their way ...
The Vasa was a Swedish warship built between 1626 and 1628. The ship sank after only sailing roughly 1,400 yards into its maiden voyage on August 10, 1628. Now, resurrected from the sea, the Vasa represents a widely-recognized symbol of the Swedish “great power period.”
Engineer Robert, a forensic engineer, accepts a retainer from a plaintiff's attorney who sends him selected file documentation. Robert subsequently bills the attorney for the work, which includes a review ...
Are you stuffed with only turkey or knowledge too? Take the PDH quiz and find out! Take it and find out! Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
In 2017, Mats Järlström, a Beaverton, Oregon resident, was fined $500 by the Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying for both labeling himself as an “engineer” and for publicly offering ...
Immanuel was on his way out the door to visit an old friend across the village when he realized that his grandfather clock had stopped and no longer displayed the correct time. This was the only clock in his home ...
On October 17, 1989, Ruth Anne Liu-Johnston left her office in San Francisco and traveled toward downtown Oakland. On her way, she drove across the Bay Bridge and took the I-880 connector. As she drove, she noticed her speedometer ...
Engineer Patrick, employed by Superior Engineering, leaves Superior and goes to work for competitor Maverick Engineering. A project which Patrick was responsible for was virtually completed, but ...