Test your skills of deduction with the January 2024 edition of Riddle Me This: The River Dilemma.
You have just purchased three things at the local market: a wolf, a duck, and a bag of seeds. To get back home, you must travel across a river in a small boat. You are only allowed to have one item with you on your boat at any time. You cannot leave the wolf alone with the duck, because the wolf will eat the duck. You cannot leave the duck alone with the bag of seeds since the duck will eat the seeds.
How many trips on the boat must you take to be able to get the wolf, duck, and bag of seeds across to the other side of the river safely?
Click to Reveal Answer
Is this posted just to create a bunch of comments? Well, here’s the first: the answer is wrong, which is not cool on a website for engineers.
Brink Duck and seed, leave duck. Go back and get wolf, then you are good. Assuming you can have two things together at once under your supervision and keep them from eating each other (which you did on the way there anyways). In the above answer you have to leave the wolf and seed anyways.